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Structure Class

Primitive achondrites

Chemical Class



Year found



91 g

[Museum Collection]

(1) 4.10g

History: A single stone of 91 g was bought in Rissani, Morocco, in 2001. Physical characteristics: It is oblong shaped, ~5 cm in length, and ~2 cm in diameter. The fusion crust is altered and reddish dark brown. Discrete regmaglypts are visible. One side is broken, altered, and covered with desert varnish. A few open fractures are filled with sand grains in their widest end. Petrography: (A. Jambon, O. Boudouma, and D. Badia; UPVI). In thin section, interstitial metal patches up to a few mm are observed in addition to numerous sulfide patches with the same texture, about half as big. A network of once-molten material at grain boundaries and in the fissures is observed. Both ends of the stone are significantly altered. Aggregates of polyhedral olivine and orthopyroxene with interstitial minor phases exhibit triple junctions. Mode: olivine 41.4%, opx 32.1%, cpx 7.2%, chromite 4.4%, phosphate 3.0%, kamacite 5.2% troilite (partly oxidized) 6.1%, feldspar (mixed Na-K-Ca) 0.5%. A few internal open fractures and pores amount to less than 1%. Mineral compositions and Geochemistry: Olivine (Fo88) zoned near the rims to (Fo76). Pyroxene (En85Fs13Wo2). Minor clinopyroxene, chromite, and Ca phosphate. Kamacite (Ni = 4 wt%) and troilite. Classification: Achondrite (lodranite). Type specimens: A total sample mass of 18.2 g and one polished section are on deposit at UPVI. Hmani holds the main mass (67.2 g and one end cut of 4.5 g). Submitted by: A. Jambon, UPVI.



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Structure Class

Primitive achondrites

Chemical Class



(Northwest Africa)

Year found



955 g

[Museum Collection]

(1) 82.8g

History: Purchased in September 2013 by Sergey Vasiliev and Marc Jost from a dealer in Ouarzazate, Morocco. Physical characteristics: A single breccia stone (955 g) containing prominent green clinopyroxene grains and stained kamacite. Petrography: (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS) Fragmental breccia composed of mineral clasts (up to 2.8 mm) of olivine, orthopyroxene, polysynthetically-twinned clinopyroxene, troilite, stained metal, Cr-rich chromite, rare merrillite, and some composite metal grains consisting of finely intergrown kamacite+taenite+plessite). Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa11.6-11.8; FeO/MnO = 22-27), orthopyroxene (Fs10.4-12.0Wo2.7-1.7; FeO/MnO = 14-15), clinopyroxene (Fs4.4-5.1Wo44.3-43.1; FeO/MnO = 10-12). Classification: Lodranite breccia. Specimens: 27 g including a polished thin section at UWB. The remainder is held jointly by Mr. S. Vasiliev and Mr. M. Jost.


*click on the Name for more information

Structure Class

Primitive achondrites

Chemical Class



(Northwest Africa)

Year found



352 g

[Museum Collection]

(1) 16.4g

History: Purchased by Marc Jost in October 2015 from a Moroccan dealer at the Munich Show. Petrography: (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS) Heterogeneous, highly recrystallized and partly annealed breccia composed of polymineralic clasts and related mineral debris. Some deformed orthopyroxene grains are up to 4 mm in size, but most mineral grains are much smaller and variable in size. Minerals are olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, chromite, altered Ni-poor kamacite and troilite. Geochemistry: Olivine (Fa10.6-10.9, FeO/MnO = 33-35, N = 3), orthopyroxene (Fs9.9-10.0Wo1.0-2.2, FeO/MnO = 18-19, N = 2), clinopyroxene (Fs3.6-4.4Wo46.3-43.5, FeO/MnO = 10-13, N = 2). Classification: Lodranite (recrystallized breccia). Specimens: 20.1 g including one polished thin section at UWB; remainder with SJS.

Amorce Meteorite Collection

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[Opening Hours] 10:00 - 18:00

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